jueves, 13 de julio de 2017

Fourth day: Entering the "Water Gym".

Today was hot! Wasn't it? Anyway, we were really lucky! We found Misty and she agreed to lead us to the Water Gym to earn a medal and demonstrate the Team Rocket how powerful we are!!

Could be a better way to combat the hot weather and the Team Rocket?? We don't think so!!

Misty was very kind to us. Thanks to her we could earn a beautiful medal!

As usual, we also had time for workshops, swimming pool, and the learning of English using the latest Technologies!!

But not everything is "English" here. We ate noodles, salad and... Spanish omelette X-D.

Be ready for tomorrow... We will visit... THE BRAIN GYM!! "Mens sana in corpore sano". We have to sharp our mind!

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